I dag siger vi farvel til 3 dygtige og super kreative designere i vores Team.
Evgenia Petzer
Nadia Cannizzo
Pia Baunsgaard
disse 3 damer er nu på vej mod nye udfordringer og vi ønsker dem alt muligt held og lykke.
Tak for jeres flotte kreationer med Riddersholm Design papirene.
Dear reader
Today we will say goodbye to 3 of our super creative designers
Evgenia Petzer
Nadia Cannizzo
Pia Baunsgaard
These 3 ladies are on their way to new challenges and we wish them all the best.
Thank you for the great stuff you have created with the Riddersholm Paper lines.
WAUW that is sad, but ofcause we all need new challenges now and then, and I´ll too wish all 3 of them best of luck in whatever the future will bring them on their way now. So good luck everyone and hope to see you all around outhteere in blog land.